Jesus Christ in the Book of Mormon

Click here to skip ahead to the Book of Mormon chapters.

Would you like to know more fully “that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world,” “manifesting himself unto all nations”? Would you like to get nearer to God? Would you like “to gain peace in this life”?

“The Book of Mormon is a volume of holy scripture comparable to the Bible. It is a record of God’s dealings with ancient inhabitants of the Americas and contains the fulness of the everlasting gospel…. The book was written by many ancient prophets by the spirit of prophecy and revelation…. The crowning event recorded in the Book of Mormon is the personal ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ among the Nephites soon after His resurrection. It puts forth the doctrines of the gospel, outlines the plan of salvation, and tells men what they must do to gain peace in this life and eternal salvation in the life to come.” (“Introduction,” Book of Mormon)

“We believe that the greatest story ever told in all the annals of history, is the story of the atonement of Christ. The record of his resurrection and ascension, without which the atonement would not have been complete, is the climax to that story, and now, two thousand years after the event, it is still central and pivotal in all true Christian thought” (Hugh B. Brown, Continuing the Quest [1961], 74).

I invite you to join, and invite your friends and family to join, in reading a chapter from the Book of Mormon focused on Christ each day for fifty days as we gratefully reflect on His life and His gifts. “The Book of Mormon gives us more Jesus Christ, not less” (Steven H. Webb, PhD in “A New Day for the Book of Mormon” video at 3:47). “Come and see” (John 1:46).

Book of Mormon Chapters

Day 1: Title Page and Introduction
Day 2: 1 Nephi 10
Day 3: 1 Nephi 11
Day 4: 1 Nephi 19
Day 5: 2 Nephi 2
Day 6: 2 Nephi 9
Day 7: 2 Nephi 31
Day 8: 2 Nephi 32
Day 9: 2 Nephi 33
Day 10: Enos 1
Day 11: Mosiah 2
Day 12: Mosiah 3
Day 13: Mosiah 4 and 5
Day 14: Mosiah 12 and 13
Day 15: Mosiah 14
Day 16: Mosiah 15
Day 17: Mosiah 16
Day 18: Alma 5
Day 19: Alma 7
Day 20: Alma 17
Day 21: Alma 18
Day 22: Alma 19
Day 23: Alma 20
Day 24: Alma 21
Day 25: Alma 22
Day 26: Alma 32
Day 27: Alma 33
Day 28: Alma 34
Day 29: Alma 36
Day 30: Alma 40
Day 31: Alma 41
Day 32: Alma 42
Day 33: Helaman 5
Day 34: 3 Nephi 1
Day 35: 3 Nephi 8, 9, 10
Day 36: 3 Nephi
Day 37:
Day 38:
Day 39:
Day 40:
Day 41:
Day 42:
Day 43:
Day 44:
Day 45:
Day 46:
Day 47:
Day 48:
Day 49:
Day 50: