“Having the vision to do” is essential if we are going to get up and keep climbing to the mountaintop each new day. Gaining a greater vision of who we are, why we are here, and what great things we can do to make the world a little better will help us achieve greater balance and endurance in our lives.
Elder O. Vincent Halek, a member of the Quorum of the Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recently counseled, “If we are to prosper rather than perish, we must gain a vision of ourselves as the Savior sees us.” He promised, “When we study the life of our Savior and His teachings, we see Him amongst the people teaching, praying, lifting, and healing. When we emulate Him and do the things we see Him do we begin to see a vision of who we can become. You will be blessed with insight through the help of the Holy Ghost to do more good. Changes will begin to come, and you will bring a different order to your life that will bless you and your family.”1
Please join us in this personal study plan of the life of Jesus Christ and share the vision you are gaining and the great things you are doing to create something better. Start right now with Jesus Christ in the New Testament or Jesus Christ in the Book of Mormon.