Core Climbs

Mountaintop Mentoring invites you to aspire higher and increase your vision, balance, and endurance so you can reach the summit by participating in our on-line Core Climbs.

What books are at the core of your education? Your core books are the heart of your education, the most essential part of your education. They are the books that teach right from wrong, truth from error, and good over evil. They are the books that inspire you to be good and to do better. They are the books you study over and over and learn something new from each time.

Our Core Climbs focus on the core books of Christianity: the Old Testament and the New Testament, and the additional core books of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants.

Start climbing today with Vision Climb, a self-paced personal study of the New Testament designed to expand your vision of who you are, why you are here, and what great things you can do to aspire higher. As you study and act on the inspiration you receive, we invite you to share your insights, comments, and progress with us.

Endurance Climb is our second climb. It is a self-paced personal study of the Book of Mormon designed to help you learn how heroes and warriors endure and succeed. Your desire and ability to do great things will be enhanced as you learn the patterns of heroes and join in the hero’s quest. As you study and act on the inspiration you receive, we invite you to share your insights, comments, and progress with us.

Balance Climb is our third climb. It is a self-paced personal study of the Old Testament designed to explore how the Lord balances mercy and justice and how you can balance your duties and desires in this world with your duties and desires in His kingdom.

Summit Climb is our fourth climb. It is a self-paced personal study of the Doctrine and Covenants designed to explore the doctrine of Christ, the principles of progress, and the covenants of Christ that will assist you to climb through life each day enjoying your journey of learning and becoming better as you progress to your summit.

Guided Climb is a complementary study to our core book climbs. It is a self-paced study of the words of living prophets and apostles from the recent General Conferences of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Lord has called these servants to guide us on our climb to the mountaintop. The Lord reveals to them the instructions and warnings that are essential for our climbing conditions and paths today. You will receive answers to your questions and concerns as you study their words. You will be inspired to know how you can “do a little better” that you may climb closer to your Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ. As you study and act on the inspiration you receive, we invite you to share your insights, comments, and progress with us.

We also invite you to explore our Climbing Blog and share your mountaintop journeys and discoveries with us there.